Oak Knoll Neighborhood Improvement Association

In 1982, OKNIA consolidated two pre-existing, non-chartered organizations to the north and south of what is now the Glenn W. Daniel/King Estates Open Space Park (KEOS) in order to protect the land from development.  The eastern slope, between Howard School and King Estates school, was an existing City of Oakland park established in the early ‘60s.  However the vast majority of land was privately owned.  A land trust acquired it and held it until the City could purchase it.  Many of our neighbors worked with Citizens of Oakland for Open Space (COOS) to pass Measure M (the KEOS property was purchased with Measure M funds).

Clyde Grimes, a retired architect with ties to University of California, Berkeley, recruited their Landscape Architecture Department to do a master plan for the park as a masters thesis project.  UC students and the community worked over the course of a year to produce the master plan, which was vetted by all the City of Oakland departments and then passed by City Council in 1998.  KEOS Master Plan.

Other OKNIA projects and achievements:

  • 1989—established a Clean Streets Committee responsible for collecting litter on Fontaine Street and Golf Links Road.  The committee communicates directly with the Public Works Agency regarding illegal dumping.
  • 1999—spearheaded a community petition to alter the municipal code to allow dogs on leash in KEOS.  City Council approved on conditions that OKNIA provide dog etiquette education, signage regarding dog waste clean-up, bag dispensers, and trash cans. 
  • 2000—established a Park Committee chaired by Marshall Hasbrouk, a biologist and specialist in habitat restoration, which began a program of non-native eradication.  That program continues with broom, salsify, Himalayan blackberry, cardoon, and pampas grass on the current hit list.
  • 2009—joined forces with Volunteers for Outdoor California (VOCAL) and the City of Oakland Public Works Agency to cut a loop trail on the eastern and western slopes of the park.  Councilmember Larry Reid made a considerable donation to cover VOCAL’s costs.  Hundreds of volunteers from Bay Area high schools, colleges, churches, and the local community spent a weekend creating what is now a wonderful public amenity.  OKNIA neighborhood volunteers now provide trail maintenance as needed. 
  • 1992—has had representatives working with the Oak Knoll Coalition since the closure of the Oak Knoll Naval Medical Center to ensure that future development at the site addresses and mitigates impacts on our community. 
  • 2000—participated in a successful challenge to the Leona Quarry development, which led to significant improvements to the hydrology and geotechnical components of the final environmental impact report.
  • 2007—provided a forum and organization for the community surrounding the Holy Redeemer property when its sale was announced.
  • Over the past 22 years—has hosted District 6 and 7 councilmembers, mayors, chiefs of police, county supervisors, and Public Works representatives in an effort to inform the community.
  • 2014—became a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation.
  • 2017—City of Oakland Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee approved the establishment of the Clyde Grimes Memorial Grove.
  • 2019—became a California nonprofit public benefit corporation.

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